Chairman’s Guidelines
(Revised January 2019)
HANDICAP CHAIR: “The Handicap Chair and her committee will insure that the USGA Handicap System is followed and the integrity of each issues is maintained.” The individuals or someone on the committee, will be required to hold a current handicap certificate issued by AWGA. The handicap committee is responsible to ensure all scores are posted by members on league days and that the equitable stroke control (ESC) is followed. The handicap committee will assist members that are winter visitors, and GHIN in their home state, to post their scores from the summer. It is a requirement that all scores be posted at both clubs year round.
HOSPITALITY CHAIR/CO-CHAIR: The Hospitality Chair is responsible for acknowledging birthday greetings, get well & condolence cards, e-mails or announcements to members of our organization. They shall be responsible for making restaurant and menu arrangements for the monthly meetings. They are also responsible for the collection of funds to pay for lunches and tournaments as required. They will coordinate with the Secretary and introduce any new members to the organization.
INTER-CLUB CHAIR/CO-CHAIR: The Inter-Club chairs will attend the Captain meetings, post information on all upcoming competitions including signup sheets, qualification dates and where course competition will be held. They will notify who will play and the time of play. The Chairs will make pairings by index and send them to the Host Captain, collect money for the matches and turn into host captain the day of play. After the match, she will get the scoring sheets from the Host Captain, check all scoring and post scores for our club participants. The Chairs are also responsible for preparing for competition either at Canoa or Torres. (More information in Inter-Club binder)
PUBLICITY CHAIR/CO-CHAIR: The Publicity Chair is responsible for sending in the winner results for Monday and Wednesday play to the Green Valley newspaper. They are also responsible for any articles for the newspaper. They shall take photos of TRLGA events and post on Facebook.
RULES CHAIR: The Rules Chair shall be responsible for the Association following the current USGA rules. She shall present rules seminars throughout the year by presenting rules to our members herself or having the Pro give them at a monthly meeting. She, along with the Club Pro, will settle all rules disputes that may occur on league days as well as Match Play, Club Championship, and other club sponsored tournaments. The Rules chair must attend seminars during the calendar year and hold a Rules certificate from AWGA. If possible, it would helpful to attend the Handicap Seminar.
SOUTHERN DISTRICT CHAIR: Southern District Women’s Golf Association, also known as (SDWGA) is an organization that plans and conducts golf events for its members and assists other clubs when needed. Individual membership is limited to women over the age of 18 who belong to AWGA and a member of a member club of SD. Yearly dues are $10.00 per person (January – December) payable through your SD Representative. The yearly dues must be paid prior to entering the tournament played. The SD Representative will be responsible for keeping a current list of members from our club. She will collect the yearly dues by December 1st for SD of $10.00 per member and see that it is sent to the appropriate party. She will post upcoming SD Golf events and run the SD local tournaments each year for our club (Del Sud and Telegraph Tournament).
STATE REPRESENTATIVE: The State Representative is responsible for posting all state-run golf events, attending meetings conducted by the AWGA and educating fellow club members in the matters discussed at the meetings, running the Medallion Tournament for our club, requesting the Tournament pins from the AWGA and sending the names of the club Medallion winners to the AWGA for participation in the State Medallion Tournament in January each year. She needs to encourage our members to participate in the State run events. The winners of the State medallion shall be determined according to the AWGA guidelines. She is also responsible for collecting her club’s vote for AWGA Board elections and returning the marked ballot to the AWGA office in a timely manner. Also making sure the AWGA website is updated with Torres/Ranch State Reps name, and any officers, and handicap names deemed advisable
TOURNAMENT CHAIR/ CO-CHAIRS: The Tournament Chair/Co-Chairs will post announcements of all major tournaments including entry requirements, fees and closing dates for the entries. They are responsible for engraving of trophies and plaques. Tournament position is in charge of Match Play, Club Championship and Solheim Cup or can assign someone else to run the tournament. It is the responsibility of the Tournament Chair/Co-Chairs to find a member to Chair the Chili Pepper, Cancer and Summer Event Tournaments, or any other tournaments agreed to by the Executive Committee.
PLAY DAY CHAIR: The Play Day Chair and her committee will decide on the weekly games to be played on league days. The committee shall meet at least once every three (3) months to determine the games to be played for the next 3 months. They will be responsible for checking the weekly winners received from the pro-shop for accuracy, emailing the results to members and the Publicity Chairman, and providing the results to the league web master for inclusion on the league web site. The committee will also be responsible for maintaining the ringers at both courses and ordering and presenting 2-club pins to members when appropriate.
Any member with a disagreement with the manner in which an event is organized, prizes awarded or fund disbursed may present her point of dissension in writing to the Tournament Chair/Co-Chairs or the Executive Committee.